Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Well it's been somewhere between a month and two months since my sister, Jess, moved away to KC. And if there is one thing I've learned from her big move - it's DEAL WITH YOUR CRAP - BEFORE IT DEALS WITH YOU! So I've been cleaning my room - extensively. As my cousin Joni would call it "a deep clean." Going through all the stuff that makes you go "oh ya..." And going through old notes from junior high to boys I used to like, and about boys I used to like. It was more of a walk down memory lane than I had first expected. Here is a sample of one of the notes I happened upon:

Hey there! Whats up? Wow. I don't know what to talk about in this note. But I hope you have fun in Leadership. Anyways... Blah. Blah. Blah. Tell Ada I luv her and that she owes me a dollar. Anyways... see yas... - Penny

The red text was what was on the note when he gave it back to me. Out of these red lettters he composed this heart-felt message to me:

eat crap. sell Ada at a dollar. ya.

Funny how at the time I thought it was primarily hurtful and secondarily funny. Now I think it's absolutely hilarious! It's crazy how life changes so quickly. Amongst the other things I went through were binders, Archie Comics, an award for "Best Paint Job" from a model car I had painted in grade 9, and countless garage sale items. I even went through some of Jessica's old things! Like her grade 12 binders. (I used some of her notes to help me study.) I came across one of her old notes, except she was not so young. Some crazy drawings of extremely ugly people and alot of talk about raccoons and someone named Pascal? I'll let her do any explaining. Anyways, I've cleaned out my closet - no skeletons have jumped out at me. Now I'm getting ready for a big garage sale and good-will!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

It's Been A While...

Hello, friends! Wow it has been a long time since my last post, but trust me - I had a very busy schedule keeping me preoccupied during those few months. My sister's wedding, first of all, was very fun. And fast! Engaged in October (I think) and married in March. (And no, it's not what you're thinking.) In fact, her wedding was the main reason why I decided to start blogging. My sister, Jess, and her new husband moved to Kansas City about a month ago. May be a little less than that. Anyways, it's been alot! Not to mention the craziness of school. I'll be done my first half in 17 days and I'm totally excited! But along with being halfway done comes all the tests and everything like that too. I can't wait to start working again for the summer and start making some money! Being a student can do that to you. Anyways, I know this isn't the most interesting of posts but once something interesting happens to me I'll be sure to jump on the blog wagon :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Today I looked on my sister's blog and found that I have made it to her "Cool Persons List." Yesssss...

Sunday, December 30, 2007


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, everyone! This Christmas was alot different than any other Christmas I've ever had. First Christmas with a boyfriend. I know your so intriuged now. So Christmas eve was spent at my house opening gifts like my family always does. Very fun. Christmas day was spent then at my aunt's house. That was nice as well. And after all of that Jordan (the boyfriend) and I spent Boxing day at his house with his family. His aunt at uncle have three children. First, Nick whos in grade 6, second Arianne who is (I think) in grade 4 or 5. And then Olivia, who is in kindergarten. To look at them they are the cutest most adorable children. To be with them for a day can be a different story.
I spent Thanksgiving with Jordan's family too, and the 3 small cousins were there too. I ended up convincing Arianne and Olivia that Marla (Jordan's brother's girlfriend) and I were secret agents. But, "you can't be a part of our secret agency if you don't have red hair." It was pretty fun as far as that went. I do remember a few parts of the day though, the part where Arianne looked up at me and said "I think I liked the other girlfriend better." And then later we had a conversation concerning my clothing. She looked at me again and said "Who bought you that shirt?" I said "I did, I bought it for myself." "Why??" she asked me with a condescending tone. "I liked it." I said just wondering what she would say next. She looked at me again and then said "It's just so... so... blech." Haha, yes. And there was a face of pure disgust as she said it too. As for the other two, Olivia actually is the cutest most adorable child. She still can't properly pronounce a few words and it's pretty cute. Nick, you can just tell, is gonna be a heartbreaker when he grows up.
So as you can probably tell I was a little nervous for Boxing day. Kind of hoping that no one would tell me my shirt is 'blech' or that I didn't measure up to the last "Jordan's girlfriend." So we went over there and Arianne ran up the stairs and was trying to get me to admit all this secret agent business, that it was all fake. I looked straight at her and said "I have no idea what you are talking about, I never said any of that." It was hilarious! She couldn't beleive it. Later she was sitting on my lap and for some reason asking everyone their names in full. When I said "Penelope" she looked straight at me and her smile just dissapeared. "Be serious." she said in a demanding tone. "I am being serious! Thats my name!" I said just about laughing. "Come on. Gimme a break." she said not beleiving it for one second. It was pretty funny. And she was starting to gain back some of my favour haha. Meanwhile Olivia had run up to Marla and said "Penny, can you please come downstairs?" Marla looked up and said "I'm not Penny..." Olivia seemed quite shocked but then asked for her name then. Marla told Olivia that her name was Marla and pointed out that I was Penny. Olivia looked at the ground and then to Marla again and said "Maria, can you come downstairs?" Simply adorable. Safe to say I think the kids started to like me some time between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Friday, December 21, 2007


Hey! So this is sort of my first blog, and the main reason why I am starting this again is because my sister is shortly going to be going away to a far off land. Ok, it won't be for another 3 months, but I still think it is important for me to get into this. So, about myself for a bit then, I just finished my first semester of college at a good school. I'm taking an Office and Records Administration Program and so far I love it! I'm also very excited for Christmas, and cant wait til Christmas Eve. Thats all for now.