Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Well it's been somewhere between a month and two months since my sister, Jess, moved away to KC. And if there is one thing I've learned from her big move - it's DEAL WITH YOUR CRAP - BEFORE IT DEALS WITH YOU! So I've been cleaning my room - extensively. As my cousin Joni would call it "a deep clean." Going through all the stuff that makes you go "oh ya..." And going through old notes from junior high to boys I used to like, and about boys I used to like. It was more of a walk down memory lane than I had first expected. Here is a sample of one of the notes I happened upon:

Hey there! Whats up? Wow. I don't know what to talk about in this note. But I hope you have fun in Leadership. Anyways... Blah. Blah. Blah. Tell Ada I luv her and that she owes me a dollar. Anyways... see yas... - Penny

The red text was what was on the note when he gave it back to me. Out of these red lettters he composed this heart-felt message to me:

eat crap. sell Ada at a dollar. ya.

Funny how at the time I thought it was primarily hurtful and secondarily funny. Now I think it's absolutely hilarious! It's crazy how life changes so quickly. Amongst the other things I went through were binders, Archie Comics, an award for "Best Paint Job" from a model car I had painted in grade 9, and countless garage sale items. I even went through some of Jessica's old things! Like her grade 12 binders. (I used some of her notes to help me study.) I came across one of her old notes, except she was not so young. Some crazy drawings of extremely ugly people and alot of talk about raccoons and someone named Pascal? I'll let her do any explaining. Anyways, I've cleaned out my closet - no skeletons have jumped out at me. Now I'm getting ready for a big garage sale and good-will!