Thursday, March 27, 2008

It's Been A While...

Hello, friends! Wow it has been a long time since my last post, but trust me - I had a very busy schedule keeping me preoccupied during those few months. My sister's wedding, first of all, was very fun. And fast! Engaged in October (I think) and married in March. (And no, it's not what you're thinking.) In fact, her wedding was the main reason why I decided to start blogging. My sister, Jess, and her new husband moved to Kansas City about a month ago. May be a little less than that. Anyways, it's been alot! Not to mention the craziness of school. I'll be done my first half in 17 days and I'm totally excited! But along with being halfway done comes all the tests and everything like that too. I can't wait to start working again for the summer and start making some money! Being a student can do that to you. Anyways, I know this isn't the most interesting of posts but once something interesting happens to me I'll be sure to jump on the blog wagon :)


Anonymous said...

mitujhgAhhhh, one full breath and the blue is starting to go away.
Just one little bit of advice -- interesting stuff doesn't need to happen just write about the mundane everyday stuff and it will sound interesting!
OK, I know you weren't really looking for getting advice (is that last sentence grammatically correct?). Great to see a new post though --- keep it coming!!!

Anonymous said...

great blog penny! Keep us posted on anything, we don't mind reading anything, we're bored people and thats why we read other people's blogs, haha

Anonymous said...

Ha ha Penner - the "blog wagon" - oh you're just so whitty! (sp?) - I too am happy to read about your "mundane" stuff & I live with you!
Love, mumsy